Mindful Meditation Programs
Corporate Wellness Programs are methods designed for employees to increase productivity, boost morale and reduce stress in the workplace.
If you are searching for ways to reduce stress within your organization, help employees respond rather than react to situations and cultivate kindness toward themselves and others, Breathe Mindfulness can help you reach these goals...more
Mindful eating is learning to pay attention while you're eating. Instead of eating mindlessly, putting food into your mouth almost unconsciously, not tasting the food you're eating, you notice your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. The look, smell, taste, feel of the food you're eating...more
Just as we want to choose the healthiest foods for our body, we can learn to choose the healthiest thoughts for our minds. The 3-Week Mindfulness Series for Woman explores time-tested mindfulness mediation techniques that teach you how to gently work with your mind to let go of negativity and constant chatter. The program consists of 1 1/2 hour classes each week, instruction and experiential learning with a workbook for reflection and coaching between classes...more
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